Introducing a new collection of paintings by Amy Daileda.

Glimpse into the universe I see within the details of plants. When you take a closer look, another world unfolds.

Discover magnificent geometry, intricate sensual parts, connections beyond our imaginings, vibrant and subtle hues, gorgeous shapes, time on another scale, and alien landscapes.

I returned to my love of painting in 2020 when I was craving travel and exploration. Since that was not an option, I journeyed internally, through nature and art.

Using vibrant colors, acrylic paint, and wood panels, I’ve been exploring my passion for plants and their connection to our universe while simultaneously studying botany and herbalism. Learning about the tiny reproductive plant parts, and how plants are connected to each other, us and the planet, has made them even more wondrous and enjoyable to paint. Plants provide our food, oxygen, medicine, fiber, and inspiration, and I feel immense respect and gratitude.

These paintings of magnified plants were created in succession as they bloomed. I brought them inside to paint from so I could examine them closely and try to express how they make me feel. I used macro photography to help see their details. Most of these pieces were created while working next to the studio window that overlooks our Pacific Northwest garden where the the plants are growing. 

I hope you enjoy them!

-Amy Daileda, 2021

Below are a couple of pieces from the collection. View the entire group of original paintings in the website Gallery.

“Borago officinale,” 2021
acrylic on wood
8″ X 8″
“Euphorbia myrsinites,” 2021
acrylic on wood
10″ X 10″

three plant paintings by Amy Daileda in a room filled with plants

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